Run an OMERO client in Docker


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 25 min
  • How do I create a Docker image for a complex application?

  • Create a Dockerfile for a complex application

This builds on the previous lesson to create a fully working Docker image for the OMERO python client.

Installing’s dependencies

In the previous image we installed omego. To install we need additional dependencies, most notably Ice. The “proper” way to do this is to pip install zeroc-ice, but since this takes a long time and requires installing a full compiler toolchain we can cheat and install a pre-compiled version.

FROM centos:7

RUN yum install -y epel-release
RUN yum install -y python-pip
RUN pip install omego

# This is the proper way to install Ice Python:
#RUN pip install zeroc-ice
# But this is a shortcut that installs a precompiled version
RUN pip install

RUN useradd omero
WORKDIR /home/omero
USER omero
RUN omego download python --ice 3.6 --sym

If you are feeling lazy you can download the Dockerfile.

docker build -t my-omeropy-image .
docker run -it my-omeropy-image
/home/omero/ version
ERROR:omero.gateway:No Pillow installed, line plots and split channel will fail!

Fix the error/warning

ERROR:omero.gateway:No Pillow installed indicates there is a missing dependency. Can you modify the Dockerfile to remove this error?


Add this line:

RUN pip install pillow

after the existing RUN pip install lines.

It’s a bit annoying that you have to type the full path to /home/omero/, so add it to the PATH in the image using the Dockerfile ENV command:

ENV PATH="/home/omero/${PATH}"

Rebuild the image. You should now have a fully working client. Try connecting to and running some CLI commands, e.g.:

omero login -s
omero user list

Default commands

When you run my-omeropy-dockerfile the bash shell is automatically started. This is the default in the parent centos:7 image.

Change the default command by adding CMD to the end of your Dockerfile:

CMD ["/home/omero/"]

Re-build, and run:

docker build -t my-omeropy-image .
docker run -it my-omeropy-image
OMERO Python Shell. Version 5.4.0-ice36-b74
Type "help" for more information, "quit" or Ctrl-D to exit

This time you enter the OMERO shell directly.

Can you pass command-line arguments?

docker run -it my-omeropy-image version
docker: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused "exec: \"version\": executable file not found in $PATH".

If you pass a command line to docker run it overwrites the default, so you need to pass the whole command line including omero:

docker run -it my-omeropy-image omero version


You can make the Docker image behave as the omero command using an ENTRYPOINT, see the Docker documentation for details.

Advanced: Compile and install Ice

The current image uses a pre-compiled version of Ice. Modify the image to install ice using the recommended Zeroc method (pip install zeroc-ice). You will need to install a compiler and all development libraries required to compile Ice.

Best practice for writing Dockerfiles

Writing a Dockerfile is easy, but there are several guidelines you should follow when developing a Docker image for production. See this article in the Docker documentation for more details.

Key Points