
People who have made a direct contribution to the OME software

We have received direct contribution to the OME software from several groups and individuals.


The OMERO project has been fortunate to receive assistance from the following:

Lucille Delisle GitHub Logo EPFL
Johannes Dewender GitHub Logo Fraunhofer IBMT
Nikolaus Ehrenfeuchter GitHub Logo University of Basel
Guillaume Gay GitHub Logo CENTURI - Turing Centre for Living Systems
Alex Herbert GitHub Logo University of Sussex
Yohan Jarosz GitHub Logo
Leon Kolchinsky Monash University
Susanne Kunis GitHub Logo University of Osnabrück
Talley Lambert GitHub Logo Harvard Medical School
Jason Lee University of Missouri
Daniel Matthews Nikon Imaging Centre, Kings College London (formerly Queensland Brain Institute)
Jeremy Muhlich GitHub Logo Harvard Medical School
Kouichi Nakamura GitHub Logo MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit, University of Oxford
David Pinto GitHub Logo University of Oxford
Pierre Pouchin GitHub Logo Université D'Auvergne
Paul Van Schayck GitHub Logo Maastricht University
Stephen Welsh Monash University
Chris Wood Stowers Institute
Andrey Yudin GitHub Logo EMBL-EBI
Paul van Schayck GitHub Logo Maastricht University


The Bio-Formats project has been fortunate to receive assistance from a large number of individuals:

Eric Albert Stanford University
Eliana Andreica GitHub Logo Oxford Instruments
Jonathan Armond GitHub Logo University of Warwick
Aaron Avery HealthMyne
Matthias Baldauf GitHub Logo Medical University Innsbruck
Peter Bankhead GitHub Logo The University of Edinburgh
Eric Barnhill GitHub Logo Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Tim Blackmore GitHub Logo Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Simon Blanchoud EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Tom Boissonnet GitHub Logo Heinrich-Heine University
Ghislain Bonamy Novartis
Michel Boudinot INAF-CNRS - Institut de Neurobiologie Alfred Fessard, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Marc Bruce GitHub Logo Microvolution LLC
Gerhard Burger GitHub Logo Leiden University
Roberto Calabrese GitHub Logo
Thomas Caswell Cornell University
July Chen
Nicolas Chiaruttini GitHub Logo EPFL
Matthew Clapp WaveDrom
Tony Collins McMaster University
Zachary Connerty-Marin GitHub Logo Yale University
Jim Crowe GitHub Logo Mikroscan Technologies, Inc.
Stephane Dallongeville GitHub Logo Institut Pasteur
Barry DeZonia UW-Madison LOCI
Can Gokhan Dogan GitHub Logo
Jan Eglinger GitHub Logo Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
Tomas Farago GitHub Logo Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dmitry Fedorov GitHub Logo University of California Santa Barbara
Tiago Ferreira GitHub Logo Janelia Research Campus
Premysl Fiala GitHub Logo Laboratory Imaging
Rachel Finck GitHub Logo Ionpath
Colin Fuller Khan Academy
Zack Galbreath Kitware
Shawn Garbett Vanderbilt University
Bram Gerritsen Netherlands Cancer Institute
Joan Gibert Hospital del Mar- Parc de Salut MAR
Nils Gladitz GitHub Logo Abberior Instruments GmbH
Michael Goelzer GitHub Logo Leica Microsystems
Alex Gouaillard Harvard Medical School
Aivar Grislis UW-Madison LOCI
John Hansen University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Rolf Harkes GitHub Logo Netherlands Cancer Institute
Volker Hartmann Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Peter Haub GitHub Logo DIP Systems
Stefan Helfrich GitHub Logo University of Konstanz
Alex Herbert GitHub Logo University of Sussex
Johan Herz Lambert Instruments
Bill Hill Institute of Genetics & Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh
Mark Hiner GitHub Logo UW-Madison LOCI
Sebastien Huart Institut Curie
Gregory Jefferis MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Lee Kamentsky GitHub Logo Broad Institute
Mark Kittisopikul GitHub Logo UTSouthwestern Medical Center
Kristian Kjaergaard University of Southern Denmark
Mikhail Kovtun Duke University
Lewis Kraft Vanderbilt University
Gaëtan Lehmann INRA Jouy-En-Josas
Chris Lesiak Li-Cor Biosciences
Brian Long Allen Institute
Shaquille Louisa GitHub Logo Lambert Instruments
Cris Luengo GitHub Logo Uppsala University
Glen MacDonald University of Washington
David Mankus GitHub Logo Harvard University Center for Brain Science
Matt McCormick GitHub Logo Kitware
Claire McQuin GitHub Logo Broad Institute
Matthieu Moisse VIB-KU Leuven
Jeremy Muhlich GitHub Logo Harvard Medical School
Ian Munro GitHub Logo Imperial College London
Rubén Muñoz EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Richard Myers 3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovation
Christian Niedworok Francis Crick Institute
Martin Offterdinger Medical University Innsbruck
Jim Paris MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ilya Parmon GitHub Logo Laboratory Imaging s.r.o
Nick Perry Stanford University Institut Pasteur
David Pinto GitHub Logo University of Oxford
Wim Pomp GitHub Logo The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Alexander Popiel GitHub Logo Allen Institute for Cell Science
Chen Qian GitHub Logo University of Gothenburg
Ville Rantanen University of Helsinki
Wayne Rasband NIH - National Institutes of Health
Patrick Riley Research at Google
Christian Sachs GitHub Logo Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Jülich
Edward Scanlon GitHub Logo Proscia
Johannes Schindelin GitHub Logo UW-Madison LOCI Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology in Dresden
Brett Shoelson UW-Madison LOCI MathWorks
Sebastien Simard Institut Pasteur
Christoph Sommer GitHub Logo Institute of Molecular Biotechnology
Jakub Straszewski Department of Biosystems Science & Engineering, ETH Zurich
Manuel Stritt GitHub Logo Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Marco Stucchi GitHub Logo Oxford Instruments
Torsten Stöter Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
Bjoern Thiel GitHub Logo Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Jean-Yves Tinevez GitHub Logo Institut Pasteur
Nicholas Trahearn The Institute of Cancer Research, London
Paul Van Schayck GitHub Logo Maastricht University
Antoine Vandecreme GitHub Logo National Institute of Standards and Technology
Alexandr Virodov GitHub Logo
Stephan Wagner-Conrad Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
Sean Warren GitHub Logo Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Constanze Wendlandt GitHub Logo Leica Microsystems
Thushara Wijeratna Allen Institute for Cell Science
Paul van Schayck GitHub Logo Maastricht University

Original OME Server

Center for Bio-Image Informatics
Columbia University
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

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