June 2024 OMERO and IDR users workshops

2 repeats of an in-person workshop given by the OME Team on imaging worksflows in OMERO and IDR as part of the ELMI 2024 meeting.

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Organisers: ELMI 2024

Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom

Workshop: Imaging workflows in OMERO

Times and Dates: 5 and 6 June 2024, at 14.30 and 15.40 respectively (2 repeats)

Duration: 2 times 1 hour (2 repeats)

This workshop covered all of the main functions of OMERO. We explained the import to OMERO and then demonstrated organisation, viewing, searching, annotation and publishing of images using OMERO. After we covered the basics of OMERO, we shortly explained the principles of how 3rd party image analysis packages work with OMERO. This enabled the participants to understand the manual data processing and automated processing workflows using a range of open source applications running alongside OMERO, such as ImageJ/Fiji or CellPose.

Resources available: Presentation & walkthrough

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