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7th February

Dundee: Will, Petr, Dominik, June, Simon, Mark, Chris, Helen, Kenny, Balaji, Simone, Roger,

Remote: Sebastien, Jean-Marie, Ola, Josh, Wilma, Melissa, David,

# Agenda - 2:00pm Start #

1. Accepting minutes from [last meeting](https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/community/minutes/conference-calls/2017/2017-01-31-tuesday-team-meeting)

1. Project Timelines (2-3 minutes each)

1. Spaces

1. [Files/Formats](https://trello.com/b/IBHfAIMP/bio-formats-5-3-x)/[OME Files](https://trello.com/b/wA1T35Ld/ome-files-0-3-0) (Sebastien)

1. [Metadata](https://trello.com/c/XQXwX6jj/6-metadata) (Josh)

1. Ontology deliverable going out

1. demo33 deployment

1. demo34 planning


1. [OMERO 5.3.0](https://trello.com/b/FoyfXCaf/omero-5-3-0)

1. [New Roles](https://trello.com/c/t0nT7KYa/133-new-role) (Mark)

* this week reviewing “user management” role to,

* allow group leaders previous powers, like create user in their group

* prevent privilege elevation

* next week hope to look at checking/adding `can*` methods on object permissions so clients more easily know current user’s powers

* these “new roles” changes make the server run somewhat slower: performance needs investigating and improving

1. [Color](https://trello.com/c/sGlYbbvB/213-color-in-shape-settings)

* update script testing

* Test SQL updates

1. Chris Java 9 issues (JavaDoc etc) resolved?

1. Probably need a sql script to “migrate” annotation from wellsample/image to wells. Following major changes in UI.

1. [Outreach](https://trello.com/b/Da6OAWam/outreach)

1. Other releases/upgrades:

1. [Figure](https://trello.com/b/BW5fN9Ox/omero-figure-2-0-0)

1. [iviewer](https://trello.com/b/1t6i9daP/omero-5-3-0)

1. Sysadmin

1. Any post patching issues noticed by team?

1. Glencoe Update (Chris)

1. AOB (5 mins max - technical discussions should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)

- Help guide pdfs - what do we want to do about these now Gus isn’t here to do them? Is everyone doing work on the help website prepared to edit the pdfs too every time or do we want to move to having pdfs be internal for training and just update them when we need them?

- J-M: a limited number of PDF is used. Getting started, configuration. We already have template to generate pre-training those ones.

- J-M: pdfs not downloaded very much. We only use ‘getting started’ for training.

- Helen: will open PR to remove links to PDFs.

- Helen: would like to move site to Jekyll markdown instead of editing html

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