30th May
Dundee: Will, Petr, Dominik, Mark, Helen, Simon, June, Kenny, Balaji, Jean-Marie, Simone, Roger, Chris, Andreas,
Remote: Sebastien, Wilma, Ola, Liza,
1. Accepting minutes from [last meeting](https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/community/minutes/conference-calls/2017/2017-05-23-tuesday-team-meeting)
1. Project Timelines (2-3 minutes each)
1. User meeting update:
- 77 delegates
- T-shirts have arrived!
- Helpers to take items down tomorrow - pick-up from office
- Kenny & Josh to collect lightning talks on USB sticks, 7 still to collect
- 4 Posters
- All presentations to be uploaded / committed to github by EOB today
- In future, try to unify usage of reveal.js (same version to allow sharing etc)
- new website all ready
- Simon: jupyter needs github authentication setup
- Kenny: wifi working in Dalhousie building. Eduroam tested. No UoD wifi
- ALL: Test eduroam ahead of time (login username@dundee.ac.uk)
1. AOB (5 mins max - technical discussions should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)