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18th July

Dundee: Petr, Kenny, Mark, June, Balaji, Simon, Roger, Simone

Remote: Seb, Eleanor, Wilma, Liza, Melissa, David, Chris, Emil

1. Accepting minutes from [last meeting](https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/community/minutes/conference-calls/2017/2017-07-11-tuesday-team-meeting)

- accepted

1. Project Timelines (2-3 minutes each)

1. Spaces - 14:00 UK

1. [Files/Formats](https://trello.com/b/IBHfAIMP/bio-formats-5-x)/[OME Files](https://trello.com/b/WFYWCvoV/ome-files-0-4-0) (Seb)

- merged Roger’s codecs decoupling

- m1 milestone targeted for Thursday, website permitting

- Bio-Formats 5.6.0-m2 content to be determined in tomorrow’s formats meeting

1. [Metadata](https://trello.com/c/XQXwX6jj/6-metadata) (Simon)

- round of IDR testing, some issues

- restarting OMERO may have helped

- Eleanor: possibly memory leak

- need better testing infrastructure for UI side of OMERO.web

- Kenny: robot?

- Balaji: not as good for functional testing, e.g., correctly rendered thumbnails

- bugs on the Formats side, fixed by rebasing some PRs

- Eleanor: currently working on splitting a dataset into two, few more coming

1. [OMERO 5.4.0](https://trello.com/b/SiqOu2Bl/omero-540) (Mark)

- [OMERO 5.4.0-m2](https://downloads.openmicroscopy.org/omero/5.4.0-m2/) released

- internal mostly

- Mark: working on light admin checks in CLI

1. [Outreach](https://trello.com/b/Da6OAWam/outreach)

- NEUBIAS, tagathon, big data, etc.

1. Other releases/upgrades - 14:05 UK

1. Figure & iViewer

1. new website (Seb)

- many people involved in testing over the past week

- integration and deployment, looks like it should be able to go live tomorrow

- some volume manager issue still outstanding, but non-blocking

- using ansible roles adapted from prior IDR work

- further testing this afternoon, everybody welcome

- then more testing after tomorrow’s deployment

1. Sysadmin (current board and recent PRs)

- Planning an at-risk for OpenStack while a new server is installed in same chassis/adjacent slots. (Will confirm date/time via Standup.)

1. Glencoe Update (Chris) - 14:10 UK

1. AOB (5 mins max - technical discussions should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled) - 14:12 UK

Done 14:13 UK

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