Dundee: Will, Petr, Kenny, Simon, Helen, Balaji, Mark, Dominik, Jason, June, Roger, Riad,
Remote: Sebastien, Liza, Eleanor, Wilma, Emil, Andreas
Start: 2:00 pm
(2-3 minutes each)
Priority is now training material preparation
No releases planned
FLIM-FRET data received by IDR - old ome.tifs (2008 schema)
FLIM-FRET dataset had problems - v. old ome.tifs open in ImageJ.
Imported OK but time dimension lost.
From LAvision software
Other submissions ongoing
Light-sheet data imported and annotated.
Nearly ready to create DOI
in-situ data.
Balaji: Simon’s PR checks status of all notebooks.
or fixed
space calculation.
Jason: external interest in setting up own ‘IDR’ instances.
external users
Quieter now. Backlog of a few PRs
Big Chown data on nightshade: Can be halted by Script Jobs.
to go.
Figure - Big Images PR in progress.
New website
Small fixes only.
Training prep - looking at future hosting of training materials
Nightshade upgraded to 5.4.0.
Certificate upgrade in few days time - not disruptive.
Jason: GIS Dolphin tracking - south atlantic research institute.
Falklands image PixelData OOM: server problem?
Kenny: not specifically - possibly file or pyramid generation
More microservices work.
OMERO 5.3.x image-region microservice.
PR - new service for Lookup-Tables. Better performance, caching etc.
In prep - PR for thread usage in servers using many cores to improve
handling of images with many channels. Implement core thread pool for rendering engine.
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)