Dundee: Will, Petr, Dominik, June, Riad, Mark, Kenny, Roger, Jean-Marie,
Remote: Josh, Sebastien, Eleanor, David, Melissa, Wilma, Andreas, Chris, Emil
Start: 2:00 pm
(2-3 minutes each)
Now (JM)
OMERO 5.4.1 last week
Iviewer 0.4.1
nightshade to be upgraded
Cambridge Training (Work in progress)
Server up with latest versions using Ansible (Petr)
Notebook prep in progress
Release to come tomorrow
Next (Josh)
Infrastructure work…
Test-omero (and decoupled repos)
4 repos using this
Target this for 5.4.2?
Present it next Tuesday?
Comes from omero-mapr. Uses Docker running OMERO
omero-scripts cli-render etc.
Lots of examples of decoupled repos using this in Travis
Not just limited to Python
OME-Files 0.5.0 (and doc builds)
Prod deployments
ITR upcoming
CellProfiler “excitement” last week.
CellProfiler fixes contributed - will be in their next release
Pathviewer release later this week
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
Josh: Try to minimise number of open PRs. ~160 now
Seb: using github milestones more proactively.
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)