Dundee: Will, Kenny, Petr, Dominik, June, Balaji, Jean-Marie, Helen, Simon, Jason,
Remote: Mark, Sebastien, Wilma, Chris, David, Emil, Josh, Melissa, Roger, Liza
Start: 2:00 pm
(2-3 minutes each)
West (Workflows)
Iviewer: moving towards 1.0
Pyramid issue. 5.4.4 in coming weeks
Django version
1.08 not supported in April
1.11 will need new web apps
Helen & Liza working on OMERO plugins section for website
Stand-up prep: list robot CI job
East (infra/IDR 0.5.0)
providers, taking Glencoe’s in-memory implementations as a basis. However, mostly on leave over this fortnight.
Align proposals using same style (PEP, JCP, etc)
Formats builds
Ansible upgrade
help with iviewer performance.
Thumbnail & rendering - discussion with JM
Start updating some customers to 5.4
IDR 0.4.5
Close to going live
Notebooks cleanup to fix crashes
Load balancing etc pushed to 0.4.6
Testing spreadsheet, for Thursday
Users meeting
30th May - 1st June
Proposal increase in registration fee?
simplifies the registration process
Suggestions for alternative to wine tasting?
Any changes suggested for changes to program from last year
Jason: feedback from USA travels. - see standup
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)
Container orchestration
Kubernetes - open souce container orchestration etc.
Containers - lightweight form of virtualisation
Methodology for packaging and shipping
Docker: platform and tools for building and running apps
OMERO in Docker - e.g 4 containers
Manually: $ docker run (x 4)
Easier: docker-compose
JupyterHub etc.
Run containers on different hosts
Automatically schedule containers across different hosts.
Tools: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos,
Kubernetes is great because:
Infrastructure as code - version controlled
check ping of OMERO.web
Microservices - 10s - 100s of copies
Kubernetes model:
Pods - containerised app, e.g OMERO.web
Deployments - manages one or more Pods
Debugging multiple containers:
use centralised logging
Use Traceable identifiers
Need shared data store to handle failure of services
around longer
stateless containers
Josh - devspace is too much for some usages - e.g Just server & data
Jason - flagship projects will need this
using unix services
Allen, …)
for our users
package file
E.g. running a Helm chart on amazon is very easy.
Currently setting up Kubernetes cluster “lochy”
First app is Redmine
JM: Training server
the devspace is easy)