Dundee: Will, Petr, Kenny, Dominik, Jean-Marie, Mark, Simon, Sebastien, Mike-Wicks (EDI), June,
Remote: Josh, Wilma, Emil, Melissa, David
Start: 2:00 pm
(2-3 minutes each)
Summer epics
Import (Josh)
Merging ongoing, into develop.
Existing work: logs, metrics, Insight GUI PR
Upcoming: no default thumbnails, parallel import CLI
Few other miscellaneous PRs (channel color, etc)
5.4.8 RC build targeted for 31st of August (Friday)
Various testing necessary
Careful to test all Insight & BF changes
workshops, esp if no time to demo import)
Basel: doing import (don’t need help)
Sydney: no import → need help
Okinawa: probably not
Kobe: perhaps
Jason: thanks for summer work on import
Discussed holding back release for more import work.
IDR (Dom)
Prod51 set up by Seb
Idr0041 currently being reannotated on prod51 (Seb)
on idr-testing. Now uses %hash% instead of %timestamp% for directory names to avoid clashes when importing in parallel. Import with “skip all”. But still latest import attempt just failed again.
fileset? etc.
is finished. Still waiting for genotype annotation from J-K, but can be added later in case it’s too late for idr 0.5.1 release.
Mail (Kenny): New mailman server:
behaviour changed. Seems to be working OK over last week.
necessarily a bad thing.
Approx 2-weeks’ work.
Jason: Longterm stable provider? Archiving?
Prefer ome ‘branding’ instead of google.ome etc.
Discourse? (IJ etc)
Usability vv google
New public alternative jupyterhub server.
New www.ome/training pages and ome/apps page
between IDR and training work. JM: recently added Trakmate
OMERO 5.4.8 timeline (see import above)
Pyramids work ongoing
OMERO-metadata PR open. Needs discussion & test fixes
Melissa: Channels ome PR
Chris (away): OMERO.parade PR
#hca (Josh): still waiting on real data.
Will go in _from_hca directory.
the S3 work.
#ome-ssbd is quiet, but will start ramping up
Prep for Sydney, Japan, Cambridge… ~1 a month
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)
Mike Wicks - EDU
Comparative Pathology Workbench (CPW)
HCA (Human Cell Atlas) CZI-funded project, 6-8 Sub Areas
large intestine (not discussed today)
Albert Berger. (mapping model, bioinformatics).
Prototype for pathologists
To Visualise, Arrange, “Annotate”, Analyse their data
Share dta with other pathologists
Grid/Matrix presentation of Data
Before: rows “meant” something. E.g. Mouse / histopathology etc.
Functionality of CPW (typical Pathologist’s workflow)
Biuild a matrix or matrices
Assign data to cells - 1 image per cell
Share matrix
Collaborative comments
What Data is in a CPW cell? Mostly Images, hence OMERO.
SPA web application
Database back-end to store Matrices, Django
Annotate matrices / cells
Host Images
Blogging Engine? - collaborative commentary
Free-form grid metaphor.
OMERO flattened tree
Of interest to OME..?
Integration with OMERO
Avoid Reinventing the wheel
Collaborative Opportunities:
SPA with React - NO! Django more suitable