Dundee: Mark, Kenny, Dom, J-M, June
Remote: Seb, Andreas, Frances, Wilma, Melissa, Josh, Kevin, David, Chris
Start: 2:00 pm
(2-3 minutes each)
OMERO 5.4.8 (Josh)
merged PRs
No known blockers. Could go ahead with 5.4.8
a line
Targeting 5.4.8 build probably tomorrow.
decide how much time to invest in it
Mailman: testing of v3 (Kenny)
Hoping to get testing scheduled this week.
Training (Jean-Marie)
training session
2 workshops planned next week in Australia
Glencoe (Chris)
Dealing with various customer issues.
Test of OMERO 5.4.8 planned today/tomorrow.
Few hundreds students using OMERO+Pathviewer
HCA: “call 1” of data providers (Josh)
Most of the data seems to be 2D TIFF written to disk.
Will put files publicly so that others can see/consume it.
Longer time, can discuss IDR import
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)