Remote: Josh, Frances, Simon, Mark, Melissa, David, Riad, Wilma, Jason, Chris, Andreas
Start: 2:00 pm
(2-3 minutes each)
built, run and installed on Windows.
job is occasionally green.
Glencoe - 14:07
sizes from iviewer. Was never activated. Have been testing in PathViewer for 1.5 weeks.
especially on a 4K screen, where currently it would be 40-50 tiles.
Training feedback?
ECDP starts tomorrow. Blogish post coming.
Announcement for next training, perhaps more focused on
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
https://help.trello.com/article/1177-personal-vs-team-boards Quick heads up
JRS: Requires procurement (isn’t a vendor)
Josh: changement in payment plan. New limit on free plan is 10
boards/team. Currently at ~80. Will hit us in a few months.
Starting to do more on GitHub is probably a good idea
ticket next to the code)
at moving issues between repos. Might start with an issues repository.
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)