Dundee: Will, Jason, Petr, Mark, Riad, Dominik, Simon, June,
Remote: Sebastien, Frances, Josh, Jean-Marie, Chris, Melissa, Wilma, Liza, David, Andreas
Start: 2:00 pm
(2-3 minutes each)
Data-In (Ingest)
Metadata: re-annotation of all studies to feed into the UI
Will: release dates?
Seb: will initially add this for 10 most recent
looking into another submission including 3D ROIs & features
software OMERO 5.5/Bio-Formats 6. Scalability (rendering/thumbnail parallelization)
Data-Out (UI/Search)
All repos up gateway have been tagged to 5.5.x (no more mXX)
Documentation in progress
to the fact it was deployed on eel (Python 2.6). Josh is working on latest-ci. Next release will be deployed on that server so no false negative
server could not start). PR opened omero-server \#51 to fix the issue. Plan is to include it in 5.5 if no side-effect (no major problem expected)
by end of the week
“Release” mode next week
New “latest-ci” setup similar to merge-ci
Petr: what data? Migrate
Josh: OK, but need more hands to help.
JM: Discuss tomorrow after standup?
Gallery (Will)
Some disagreement about the different results
Layout the search results for mapr terms in a table
Improve the understanding that they are different from study
SysAdmin (learning/mail)
Mark: learning playbooks etc.
Mail: Activity moved to image.sc forums.
More investigation to migrating forums into image.sc
thread on image.sc via e-mail. Spam protection.
Petr: which lists moving? A: ome-devel and ome-users.
to get updated (PR open)
Riad: Trello status?
Trying to reduce number of boards
Seb: closing old boards. Can’t create new board.
Created new internal Trello team for release boards.
Simon: use GitHub projects as a replacement?
Sym-linking lots of files.
Improve transfer phase by 50%
Seb: use parallel file transfer (used for IDR)?
Microservices focus.
ELMI next week in Brno. Jason & Petr.
5 delegates for day-3 of workshop.
Jason: need slack channel and space / desks in office.
Also: gdoc to collect requirements from users
Ola and Omar visiting - Thursday and Friday.
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)