Attending: Frances, Josh, Petr, Mark, Dom, June, Jason, J-m, Will, Seb, Wilma, Andreas,
Melissa, Kevin, David, Emil, Liza, Chris
Start: 2:00 pm
(2-3 minutes each)
Should be ready for release ~next week (before OME2020).
is about to be released. Need to discuss when/how to migrate back to Embassy, especially with the meeting upcoming.
IO Wrap up (Josh) - 14:02
not public)
Closed trello etc
Generally wrapping up in preparation for the community meeting.
Cleanup and small fixes as we prepare for meeting
JRS: community needs this!
unlikely to be finished before OME2020.
Will: n-dimensional SPIM
Josh: need to release OME-model
Could support less formally in napari/zarr without OME-XML
SA (learning/mail)
Glencoe (Chris):
Not much. Grinding through upgrades.
Coming across datasets where classical approach is very painful.
Plates with 180K files each
However swallowing the conversion pill is a big issue
And then the import into OMERO is still a problem.
Jxrlib has been updated to fix maven dependency issues.
JRS: sending Liza off next week… Good bye!
Community - 14:14
OME Meeting– 127 registrants and counting.
Chasing speakers (titles, videos, …) etc
Real-time editing of the agenda is ongoing
Petr: how do we triage & publish? JRS: TBD (waiting on concrete
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
Josh: OMERO release?
to postgresql link being broken!). Everything has been fixed and merged. So Good to have that out too
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)