Attending: Will, Frances, Jean-Marie, Khaled, June, Seb, Josh, Wilma, Jason, Petr, Melissa, Andreas, Chris,
Start: 2:00 pm UK
Project Status
(2-3 minutes each)
- HPA run 10 imported and thumbnailing. Ready next week
- Might include another dataset in next release, end of June
- Hackathon ongoing
- Another meeting tomorrow afternoon
- Ramping back up on Zarr PRs, various repos
- ELMI workshop preparations next (cf. MoBIE)
- New version on MoBIE in progress at EMBL
- paper responses - JRS on Thursday
- Releases
- java-gateway: handle special characters in password
- To be released in OMERO.insight immediately after
- insight: Suzanne - MDE config enabled by default
- Also allow metadata export on server you can’t import on (e.g. read-only server)
- Glencoe
- conference prep
- PR reviews
- aim to release 0.3.0 final conversion tools
- 1536-well plates, thumbails in webclient, lots of requests
- Kevin looking at micro-services again, config etc.
- Saving rendering settings updates 100K rows in DB
- Jason: cell painting taking off - lots of wells, channels, ROIs.
- Client-side rendering? - ngff as in vizarr etc.
- OME2021
- feedback positive
- Chris - went well, ran smoothly, good engagement on demo
- gather.town island is too big
- Josh: need sea level rise!
- Chris: could improve commercial engagement, demos etc.
- JM: demos take time. Earlier invites etc.
- Most flash talks could have been demos`
- Chris: commercial uneasy about putting demos on YouTube etc.
- Petr: website update - remove banner, add link to pages
- Chris: add OME2021 links to footer / about us?
- Josh: create OME meetings page?
- Seb: better filtering of events?
- Will: round-table discussion between small set of people. How to engage more?
- lack of place where people could engage more privately
- good experience of gather.town. But some activation barrier to get into there (tired)
- Guides:
- private areas
- engage in private chat
- following people
- sharing screen
- Messaging during zoom was an issue. Copy-n-paste of chat also
- Prioritization
- Community
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
Stay Safe