Attending: Jason, June, Will, Petr, Josh, Tom, Seb, Frances, Wilma, Andreas, Kyle, David G., Melissa, Emil, Mina, Muhanad, Erin, Kevin
Start: 2:00 pm UK
Project Status
(2-3 minutes each)
- IDR (Frances):
- lots of testing new datasets & formats.
- next release: idr0134 plant study ontology mapping
- Seb: storage space still an issue
- investigating new storage, performance issues
- several new submissions are in OME-NGFF format which may offer a solution in future - we don’t host the data but “import” from remote
- Jason: could move less critical datasets to free-up space
- Josh: for more-frequently accessed data, cache will help performance
- OMERO.figure release soon (this week)
- Bio-Formats:
- 6.10.1 patch release on Thursday
- NGFF (Josh)
- FYI: ZEP2 (Sharding): https://zarr.dev/zeps/draft_zeps/
- Java/Zarr chat (Aug. 2) summary
- 5ish choices: jzarr, n5, netcdf-java, fork, new
- next steps: code to show example questions
- other levels of the same problem (codecs, s3-libraries, array libraries, “high-level” apis)
- Seb: matrix of libs and maintainers, pros / cons?
- Glencoe:
- “NGFF Converter” UI tool release coming.
- All open-source. Builds will be signed etc.
- Seb: useful for IDR submitters too.
- NGFF import performance investigations, good to compare OMERO and OMERO plus.
- GerBI:
- Tom: UI tool for using neural-net with OMERO
- Community
- Holidays and Support
- image.sc etc: OK to say “lots of team away - we’ll get back to you”
- OME meeting - vision document nearly ready…
- NIH virtual workshop in September to highlight importance of imaging data
- Josh: Volume EM community interested in moving to OME-NGFF
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
Main Topic
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)