Attending: Will, Dom, Frances, June, Khaled, Josh, Andreas, Erin, David, Maadhav, Kyle, Kevin, Melissa, Tom, Petr, Muhanad,
Start: 2:00 pm UK
Project Status
(2-3 minutes each)
- IDR (Frances):
- testing microservices
- persisting issues
- goofys mount had disappeared, led to memofile issues.
- memo files get deleted if ZarrReader or BioFormats version differs from those used to create memo files
- ZarrReader release with update that strips out structured annotations from memo file to reduce size and allow faster loading.
- Update this on idr-testing. memo file regeneration in progress
- Bio-Formats
- Melissa: discussed Java 21 yesterday. PR open to add Java 21 build to gh actions - passing! Will announce support…
- NGFF (Josh)
- zarr v3 rfc. Will review…
- hyper-spectral / event-based file format request from community
- store as event-based log? -> visualise as image. Needs investigation
- metadata discussions, incl. (GIDE) BioImage Archive, Riken etc.
- GerBI (Tom)
- setting up new servers with Rocky Linux 9 etc.
- OMERO.figure testing (vite PR)
- Glencoe (Erin)
- Thanks to Petr for help with OMERO.web testing
- Kevin/Chris looking a Zarr reading from s3 perf
- s3fs implementation of Java File system does lots of checks (permissions, metadata etc.) Can avoid these in many cases.
- Initial 2x or 3x perf improvements. Looking at RGB chunking now…
- Community (Petr)
- Karolinska outreach - finalizing the disabled pyramid service (some users images not viewable) clarifications, good outreach though
- 7th-8th March the University Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia outreach
- OME community meeting dates TBD
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
Main Topic
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)