Attending: Will, Dom, David, Khaled, June, Frances, Andreas, Petr, Tom, Kyle, Melissa, Chris, Seb, David S, Erin,
Start: 2:00 pm UK
Project Status
(2-3 minutes each)
- IDR (Frances)
- prod121 release (Rocky 9) pending issues with DB performance during searchengine indexing - timeout errors etc. Also timeout with mapr queries in webclient.
- Khaled upgraded Postgres 13 -> 16 (including dump and restore the DB), seems to resolve issues. Improved indexing times, but some mapr queries still slow.
- After release, new idr-testing for NGFF upgrade test
- Chris: important to identify what the issue was for update of other OMERO servers on Rocky 9.
- Andreas: preparing next omero-web release
- Seb: OMERO.server recent release 5.6.11, Insight 5.8.4, etc.
- Bio-Formats
- ZarrReader PR review nearly done
- OME meeting prep in progress
- GerBI
- Tom: OME and ELMI meeting prep…
- Glencoe
- Chris: tables work: exploring backends etc.
- poor interaction with webclient with large amounts of data
- Erin: will present some OMERO.tables workflows at OME meeting, omero2pandas, QuPath, NGFF label images etc.
- Community (June)
- Google drive for OME meeting registrants
- Attendees have signed up for Posters, Lightning talks etc.
- Need a plan for signing-up workshop participants. Ask attendees when registration closes?
- Petr: OME meeting workshop planning
- Petr: ELMI and Panama workshops upcoming
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
Main Topic
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)