Attending: Will, Dominik, June, Khaled, David Gault, Josh, Jason, Tom B., David Stirling, Kyle, Melissa, Seb, Erin, Chris, Kevin
Start: 2:00 pm UK
Project Status
(2-3 minutes each)
- IDR (Will)
- idr-testing getting the last few things in place: ZarrReader, microservices, memoizing. Goal is to be back to where we were previously with centos7
- some issues with memo file generation. not reliable and requires re-runs. unknown resource errors.
- PRs opened to bump library versions
- microservices are still manually deployed.
- Josh: plan on moving to idr-next? need automatic deployment.
- Jason: good to get the timeline
- OMERO (Will)
- thumbs up to release figure
- one last PR to bump the version
- new dependencies
- KV pairs script (Tom)
- Petr wants it released for the workshop
- waiting for final thumbs up (after affiliation fix)
- Josh: go ahead and merge, still awaits release
- Bio-Formats
- David: ZarrReader IDR changes merged and released
- PR review yesterday: next milestone planning. Next priorities 8.0.0 TBD (needs wider discussion)
- Zarr V3 Alpha going out as we speak
- more people getting involved since OME2024
- Challenge feedback positive. Meetings start tomorrow.
- NFDI4BioImage meeting today - some interesting discussions/ideas
- Meetings scheduled, starting tomorrow 10:00, 4pm
- GerBI
- Nothing much. Just back from ELMI, etc.
- Glencoe (Seb)
- OMERO 5.7 outstanding issues:
- https://github.com/orgs/ome/projects/26
- Some overlap with Bio-Formats 8.0.0
- NGFF challenge discussions
- Erin - will schedule OMERO/Zarr discussion
- Community
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
Main Topic
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)